Status Page Settings & Design

Configure your status page to suit exactly your organization's needs.

Basic settings

The following settings are available for customization of your status page:

  • Organization allows you to move your status page to another organization you're the owner of.

  • Company, project or service name will be used internally to refer to your status page and also externally if no "Public company name" is configured in the Design page.

  • Website should point to the website this status page is about, if any. It will be used in the footer of your status page.

  • Support email will be displayed on your status page below the status banner, asking status page visitors to reach out here if they have complaints.

  • Twitter handle will also be used in the footer of your status page. This is mostly useful if you also report your status on this Twitter account.

  • About information is displayed in your status page and meta description explaining to your visitors about what's the purpose of your status page.

Custom domain & privacy settings

Next are the custom domain and privacy settings. Follow these guides to learn more about them:

Other settings

The rest of the settings for your status page are the following:

Advanced settings

Visit Advanced Settings to learn about your status page's advanced settings.

Last updated