Google Analytics

Integrate your Google Analytics into your StatusPal status page.

Obtain Google Tag ID from Google Analytics

  1. In your Google Analytics dashboard, click on Admin

  2. Click on Data Collection and modification

  3. Click on Data streams

  4. Click on your Web data stream

  5. Click on View tag instructions

  6. Click on Install manually

  7. You can find your Google Tag ID at gtag('config', 'G-123'); (in this example, the Google Tag ID would be 'G-123').

  8. Copy your Google Tag ID and save it for the next step.

Configure Google Analytics on your StatusPal status page

Visit your StatusPal status page settings by clicking on Status page from the sidebar of your admin dashboard.

Once in your status page settings page, scroll down to find the Custom Javascript text field.

Enter the following Javascript code snipped, making sure to replace the value of the GTAG_ID variable ('G-123') with the value you copied from the previous step.

var GTAG_ID = 'G-123'; // Replace the 'G-123' with your own value
var gtagScript = document.createElement('script');
gtagScript.async = true;
gtagScript.src = ''+GTAG_ID;

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', GTAG_ID);

Click on the Update button at the bottom, and your Google Analytics integration should start working on your StatusPal status page.

Last updated