Incidents & Maintenance

Report incidents & maintenance in your StatusPal status page.

Reporting an incident or maintenance in StatusPal couldn't be easier. We've already covered the basics in our Get Started guide Step 5 - Report an incident, in this article, we dig a little deeper.

Ways an incident can be created

In StatusPal, reporting an incident or maintenance can be done in a couple of different ways:

  1. Via the Admin UI.

  2. Via our API.

  3. Via incident automation thanks to our integrated monitoring or an external monitoring tool.

  4. Via integration with an incident alerting (on-call) tool like PagerDuty, VictorOps or

  5. Maintenance can be automatically duplicated thanks to our powerful recurring maintenance tasks.

Incidents & maintenance notifications

StatusPal enables you to send real-time notifications about the incidents and maintenance reported on your status page.

Learn about how to send notifications about incidents and maintenance at Notifications.

Last updated