Out-of-the-box monitoring

We can monitor your websites, applications, servers, and APIs out-of-the-box and automate incident reporting on your status page.

Enable StatusPal monitoring on any service in your StatusPal status page by editing or creating a new service, then select StatusPal monitoring under the "Monitoring and incident automation" section.

Once you enable "StatusPal monitoring" on a service, we'll ping the provided URL once per minute, and if it goes down (returns a status different than 2xx) for more than 5 minutes, we'll notify somebody in your team (according to the "Notification recipients" setting) and optionally create an incident affecting this service.

We'll close the incident automatically once the service is up again for at least two minutes.

Display response time chart

Check this option, and we'll automatically generate a "response time chart" based on your monitoring check and display it on your status page below your list of services.

Paise monitoring during maintenance

You can check this option to make your monitoring check aware of your scheduled maintenance windows on the status page. If a monitoring check starts failing during a planned maintenance window, we'll ignore the failing check.

Last updated