Frequently asked questions regarding StatusPal status pages.
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Frequently asked questions regarding StatusPal status pages.
Last updated
When configuring a status page as a Private Status Page, you'll need to grant users access to the status page so they can visit it.
However, this authenticated access (membership) does not mean that the user will automatically receive email notifications. They still need to opt to subscribe for Notifications.
It's also important to note that no email subscriptions will be sent if there's no matching membership for a given email address.
You might want to access your organization's settings to view and add status pages, configure billing, enable Single Sign-On, and more.
Access your organization's settings by clicking on the "←" arrow next to your status page name at the top left if you're currently managing your status page.
In StatusPal, you can have an unlimited number of status pages within your organization, meaning within one billing subscription.
Follow these simple steps to add new status pages to your existing organization:
Access your organization's settings section by following How to access my StatusPal organization's settings?.
You are now on the Status pages page of your organization's section.
This page shows your existing status pages. You can add a new one by clicking on the New status page button.
In StatusPal, you can have multiple organizations, each one with a separate billing subscription.
Follow these simple steps to add a new organization to your StatusPal account:
Access your organization's settings section by following How to access my StatusPal organization's settings?.
You can change the organization of a status page by clicking on Status page > Settings from the sidebar.
From there, you should have a dropdown "Organization" where you can select the other organization to which you'd like to transfer the status page.
If you can't see the "Organization" dropdown or the other organization in the dropdown options, that means you don't have the necessary permissions for the target organization.
You can identify the ID of one of your services by visiting its Edit page:
From there, you can find the service's ID by looking at the browser's URL. The ID is right before the /edit
at the end.
In the StatusPal admin UI, you can tell who created an incident by hovering over the "person" icon at the left of an incident card.
You can find a similar icon by clicking the "actions" drop-down to the right of the incident card and then clicking "List updates." Each update will have a "person" icon, which you can hover over to see who created it.
Sign in to StatusPal and click on the "person" icon at the top right corner and click on My Details
Scroll down and click to expand the DANGER section
Click on Delete account permanently (Note that this cannot be undone)
Click on the organization's dropdown and select New organization.
You can change any part of the copy of your status page, as well as the subject line of the notification emails, by configuring a custom language: .